Patient Resources

The Gap

A complex landscape of benefits and plans leaves many Ontarians without care due to the financial and non-financial barriers they face. We are here to help navigate to your best oral health.

Are You Eligible For Our Program?

At Filling the Gap Dental Outreach, we must ensure resources are being devoted to those most in need. To qualify for an appointment at Filling the Gap Dental Outreach, all patients must first complete a screening process.

In addition to other criteria, patients must…

  • Not be enrolled in any private or public benefits or insurance plans.*

  • Be below the low-income threshold.

*If you are eligible for public dental benefits but are having trouble accessing care, contact us and we will make every effort to help you navigate your options.

To begin the screening process, select the button below

Services Provided

Volunteer dentists and hygienists at the program provide affordable dental treatment on an urgent-care basis.

Examples include:

  • Specific Examinations
  • X-Rays
  • Extractions
  • Fillings
  • Dental Cleanings

If You Are Experiencing A Dental Emergency, Please Contact An Emergency Dental Clinic Or Your Local Emergency Room

 Please note that Filling the Gap Dental Outreach is not a comprehensive care program and does not provide routine dental care, “checkups,” or more advanced treatment. As a charity, visits are by appointment only, and we can only offer up to a maximum of three visits to eligible patients as time and resources permit. We encourage all patients to seek comprehensive care as soon as possible. 

What Our Patients Say